Welcome to www.livesinabox.com. Lives in a Box is a collective and
place holder for the following web sites and projects. If you have
any questions about the things you see here or if you see an error
or two, feel free to contact me here.
Crazy For Friends is the main feature on this
site. It's a fan site for NBC's sitcom Friends. I created the domain
to hold it, so I spend the most amount of time on this. It's by
far the most popular project on the site, and my favorite to work on.
Idiot in a Box is a placeholder for the fanlisting's
I've joined and created (most which are Friends related). If you
don't know what a fanlisting is, you can visit the official site
at thefanlistings.org.
This is a fun little hobby I enjoy, and its highly addictive once
you get into it.